Wednesday, July 2, 2014


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SATELLITE TV CHANNELS                                                                                                              

Television channels broadcast by the use of satellite TV channels .There is no unmixed blessing on the earth .Everything has it,s dark side .Despite the dark side of the programmes of satellite TV ,it is beneficial . Some channels causes cultural decay and moral degradation by telecasting obscene and violent movies , music dance and song .Young people most often watch the exiting films on violence and crime .They also see the
obscene films All these things leave a damaging effect on their soft mind .If once bad things lay root deeply in their soft mind , it will remain in their mind . We can enrich and foster our national culture by telecasting programmes  enriched with our own age old traditional social values in stead of frequent telecast of satellite cultural programmes .We should try to imitate what is good in satellite culture and give up what is bad .


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